Why he would have such leeway when other, possibly lesser skippers started with a "fixed" crew (see Janeway!) is unclear - but we can speculate that Picard being in charge of the Federation Flagship, a showpiece vessel, would entail him also doing some PR stunts such as breaking in Starfleet's first Klingon and making use of Starfleet's first android, despite it being difficult to fit in these people by conventional means. Chief Engineers came and went, officers did various duties and were evaluated for their performance, and at the end of the year, Picard was ready to fix the positions. I go by the oft-quoted idea that Picard was spending his shakedown year shaking down not just the ship but also the crew. There was no specific officer for Ops or Tactical or Helm back then, just consoles thus labeled but arbitrarily manned by various members of the bridge crew. Naturally, we have to explain away the first season of TNG somehow, or at least the first half of it.